Our Achievements
Achievements in Action
BOK’s achievements to date are significant. It continually challenges the norm, as it continues to achieve strong financial performance and business growth, exercise prudent risk management, while operating in the context of a conflicted and complex business environment.
It has worked to strengthen the Bank’s processes, people and products to ensure international standards are being met. BOK has also introduced innovation, as a key strategic pillar. This is reflected in its mindset, culture and service offers, across the banking group. BOK’s staff is trained and its products designed, to anticipate the professional and personal needs of its diverse client base.
In fact, BOK has been the leader in the market, introducing true retail banking in the Sudan in 2006. Its strategy and delivery evolved the market from ad hoc products offered by other banks, to a focused and innovative service offer that introduced a full suite of innovative and tailored consumer products, designed to enhance and support every aspect of their customer’s financial life. It has by far, the largest market share in retail banking and the Bank that others follow.
In 2008, BOK merged with Emirates and Sudan Bank, making it the largest Bank in the Sudan, in terms of capital, and market share. Especially significant was its achievement in 2011 when the Bank was delisted from the OFAC sanctions list despite the fact that the sanctions on the Sudan remain. Additionally, it received an –AA rating by the International Islamic Rating Agency, making it the first bank in the Sudan to be rated. Its correspondent banking partnership network has grown substantially and now includes international and regional banks from Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East. The expanded partner network increases the bank’s credit line facilities and capabilities.